In the Studio, we commission new plays and develop our shows through artist-driven workshops.

What’s Happening Now
In the Studio we commission new plays with an upfront commitment to production. We provide artists with workshops they generate and design—based on whatever is most vital to them as they look to bring their shows to production-level readiness. In recent seasons over 80% of our productions have been commissioned or developed in the Studio, including The Fires, Public Obscenities, Wolf Play, Fairview, and more. Playwrights currently developing work through the Studio include Garrett Allen, Alice Birch, Jorge Ignacio Cortiñas, Jackie Sibblies Drury, Narcissister, and Radical Evolution.
In the 2024/25 Season, new commissions were awarded to Anne Gridley, Ife Olujobi, and Sunny Jain.
Commissioned Artists
Garrett Allen
Commissioned Artist
Alice Birch
Commissioned Artist
Jorge Ignacio Cortiñas
Commissioned Artist
Jackie Sibblies Drury
Commissioned Artist
Anne Gridley
Commissioned Artist
Sunny Jain
Commissioned Artist
Commissioned Artist
Ife Olujobi
Commissioned Artist
Radical Evolution
Commissioned Artist
Alice Birch and Jackie Sibblies Drury are recipients of Berwin Lee New Play Commissions. Other commissions are supported by James Gleick & Cynthia Crossen, and Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation.